My Playlist

The 3 P's: Preparing, Packing, and Praying

Hello everyone! Thanks so much for visiting our blog! We are SOOOO excited to leave THIS MONDAY!!! AHHHH!!

In these last couple of weeks, we have been finishing school and finishing our team training. Now, it is crunch time.
In the final week before we leave, we are busy preparing, packing, and praying.

Preparing: We are finishing up our lessons, planning and buying supplies for our parties for the Ugandan people, and communicating with our amazing missionaries.

Packing: Well, for the three out of the four team members who are girls, we are looking at the two 50-weight limit luggage restrictions as a challenge that we know we will conquer! Andrew, (the only male on the team), doesn't see it as much as a challenge as the girls. ;)

Praying: As we are making the final preparations to leave, we ask that you keep us in your prayers. Please pray for our safe travel, and for the people who we will come in contact with in Uganda-that God opens up their hearts to recieve His message.

Some verses that are very encouraging to us right now are:

Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Exodus 33:14
The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

Thank you for all of your support!


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you guys! I know God will do amazing works through ya'll!! Love you guys and praying for ya'll!


Anonymous said...

Been constantly praying! I miss you already but I'm so excited for you guys and can't wait to stalk you everyday on this thing! :)

Jamie Elizabeth said...

Waiting to hear from you! Praying for each of you. I'm so proud of you all.


Mommy Gaines

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